29th, Nov 2023

Immigration Minister pledges to boost Francophone immigration

Immigration Minister Marc Miller affirms Canada's ability to reach a six percent francophone immigration target by next year, despite nearly two decades the Government worked to reach the previous 4.4 percent target.

The new aim is to boost francophone immigration outside Quebec to six percent in 2023, seven percent in 2025, and eight percent in 2026.

Miller emphasizes the need to monitor progress and apologizes for any missed targets. The new targets were set after consulting various organizations and considering previous successes.

However, with current socio-economic pressures, immigrants are often blamed for inflation and housing crises. Despite these challenges, Miller remains confident that the targets are achievable.

The 2024-2026 Immigration Levels Plan proposes to welcome 1.485 million new permanent residents over three years.

#Francophone_immigration, #immigration_to_Canada


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