29th, Jun 2021

Canadians are happy with the current immigration levels

According to the recent Angus Reid poll, almost half of Canadians support the Government’s plan to increase immigration and want to see even higher numbers of immigrants to help deal with the economic recovery from COVID-19. 34% of responders were happy with the current immigration strategy, while 13% wanted to see a greater increase. For 39% of responders, the level of immigration was too high, and 14% were not sure. Due to the pandemic, immigration to Canada has declined. In 2020, just 184,370 new permanent residents arrived in Canada, the lowest number since 1997. #Immigration_levels, #poll https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/2020/10/government-of-canada-announces-plan-to-support-economic-recovery-through-immigration.html
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