Saskatchewan updated application processing times in the SINP
On April 23, 2021, Saskatchewan has updated the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) processing times. The new data is based on average times from January 1 to March 31, 2021. In the International Skilled Worker category, the processing time in the Employment Offer stream is 4 weeks, the Express Entry Stream is processed in 37 weeks and the Occupation In-Demand Stream in 35 weeks. In the Saskatchewan Experience category, the processing time in the Existing Work Permit Stream is 2 weeks; the International Students Stream, Health Professionals Stream, Hospitality Workers Stream, and the Truck Drivers Streams are processed in only 1 week. In the Entrepreneur and Farm category, the processing time for the Entrepreneurs Nominations and Farmers Stream is 14 weeks. The Job Approval Process, the authorization for an employer to hire a foreign worker through the SINP, takes 8 weeks. The processing times show the average time for 80% of applications to be processed within the last quarter.
#Saskatchewan, #SINP, #processing_times