Immigration Update

Here are some possible Immigration program employment opportunities for individuals who qualify. Click on opportunity and email for more information.

Quebec started to accept applications from refugees

On April 6, 2021, the Quebec Ministry of Immigration (MIFI) announced the beginning of the applications intake under the Program for Refugees Abroad (Collective sponsorship) for the 2020-2021 period. The intake period will continue until May 5, 2021. The application process is completely online via the Arrima portal. MIFI allocated the quota of 750 spots for Collective sponsorship for this intake period. MIFI also emphasized that in the case of overcoming the limit, the province will hold a random draw among all applicants overseen by the designated third party to ensure the integrity of the draw. Only groups of 2 to 5 individuals can submit applications during this period. #Quebec, #MIFI, #refugees

ESDC released new processing times for LMIA applications

On Friday April 2nd, Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) has updated the processing times for the Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) applications under various streams. Based on statistics from different processing centres, the current average LMIA processing times are: • Global Talent Stream - 13 business days • Agricultural stream - 21 business days • Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program - 14 business days • Permanent residence stream - 21 business days • In-home caregivers – 15 business days • High-wage stream - 32 business days • Low-wage stream - 33 business days #ESDC, #Service_Canada, #LMIA #TFWP, #Work_permit, #agricultural_workers, #caregivers

Quebec announced changes to its business immigration programs

Quebec announced changes to its business immigration programs On March 31, 2021, the Government of Quebec announced changes to its business immigration programs. In the Entrepreneur Program (Stream 2), Quebec removed the requirement for start-up and security deposits. This regulation will be applied to applications received before November 1, 2020. Nevertheless, the Entrepreneur program is postponed until November 1, 2021. In addition, the Quebec Ministry of Immigration (MIFI) announced the Quebec Immigrant Investor Program (QIIP) will remain on hold until March 31, 2023. This step is implemented to finalize the planned modification of this program in order to better meet the needs of the province. #Quebec, #MIFI, #Entrepreneurs, #Investors, #business_immigration

MIFI launched the new immigration pilot in Quebec

On March 31, 2021, the Quebec Ministry of Immigration (MIFI) announced the launch of the second new pilot program - the Orderlies Pilot program. This pilot program leads to permanent residency in the country for foreign workers working as orderlies in Quebec. According to MIFI, the pilot will reduce the labour shortages in this field. MIFI is going to accept applications from March 31 to October 31, 2021. The provincial government hopes to attract 550 individuals and their family members in 2021. The pilot will last until 2026. On April 22, 2021, MIFI plans to launch the third pilot program intended for workers in the artificial intelligence (AI), information technologies and visual effects (IT/VE) sectors. #MIFI, #Quebec, #selection_certificates, #pilot_programs, #orderlies
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